Raw Data Set related to "Field estimates of current and predicted cotton yield loss due to pink bollworm and boll rot in India"

Published: 16 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2xp6xvct2x.1
Babasaheb Fand


This Data Set contents a raw data collected for 1. Development of a simple, reliable and robust method for estimating the filed level yield losses in cotton due to pink bollworm infestation and boll rot disease infection 2. The data on pink bollworm phenology at various temperature conditions used in coupling with field level damage data to predict the current and future yield loss trends under climate change conditions. 3. Multilocation yield losses estimated from a data collected through roving field surveys on pink bollworm and boll rot incidence in different cotton growing areas of India


Steps to reproduce

Follow the steps in methods section of the research paper Fand et al., 2024. Field estimates of current and predicted cotton yield loss due to pink bollworm and boll rot in India. Agricultural Systems, In Press.


Disease, Crop Yield, Insect Damage
