Dual mapping of RNA-seq samples from blood of visceral leishmaniasis patients.
This dataset contains read count output files from STAR aligner using combined reference genome for dual RNA-seq mapping strategy. Raw fastq files (E-MTAB-11047) were trimmed and used for mapping to a concatenated host/parasite genome (Homo sapiens GRCh38.p13 and Leishmania infantum GCA_900500625.1 available at ENSEMBL). Group of samples: asymptomatic (A*.tab files), diseased patients with active infection before the treatment (P*D0*.tab files) and cured visceral leishmaniasis patients (P*D180*.tab files). More details of the RNA-seq experiment and data analysis can be found in related links.
Steps to reproduce
The option "quantMode GeneCounts" within STAR aligner was used to perform reads counting. "ReadsPerGene" output STAR files contain uniquely mapped reads aligned to human genome or parasite genome. They can be used for gene expression quantification.