Brazilian indoor thermal comfort database

Published: 10 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2ybzk7hbp2.1
, Maira Pires, Cesar Henrique de Godoy Gomes,


The Brazilian indoor thermal comfort database is a set of information related to the indoor thermal environment and the occupants’ characterization and thermal perception (right-here-right-now survey). The data collected came from field studies conducted indoors during daily occupation – “real” environments with occupants performing their habitual activities. The documented data was obtained through field studies in universities classrooms and offices in Brazil. According to the international measurement protocols recurrent in base surveys (De Dear, Brager and Cooper, 1997; De Dear and Brager, 1998; ASHRAE, 2010), the physical variables related to the indoor thermal environment (air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) were recorded by appropriated and previously calibrated instruments, while the subjective responses from the occupants and their personal antropometric information were documented in questionnaires. More details on the Brazilian thermal comfort database project can be accessed in: <>).


Steps to reproduce

The indoor physical variables (air temperature, globe temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) were measured according to the protocols described in ASHRAE 55 Standard and ISO 7726 (1998). Thermal comfort field studies were characterized as Class-II according to the classification suggested in ASHRAE RP-884 final report (De Dear, Brager and Cooper, 1997), since the measurements of indoor environmental variables were performed at a single measurement height. Mean radiant temperature and operative temperature were calculated according to the procedures described in ASHRAE 55 Standard. Water Vapour Pressure (Pa) was calculated from indoor air temperature (Ta, dry-bulb) and indoor relative humidity (RH) for each row in the spread sheet, by applying the formula in McIntyre D. (1980). Indoor climate. Applied Science Publishers. Pa = RH x exp(18.956 - 4030.18/(Ta + 235)) (millibars) Personal anthropometric characteristics such as gender, age, weight and height were filled in the questionnaires by the occupants. The metabolic rate and the clothing insulation were estimated according to the auxiliary tables of ASHRAE 55 Standard. The occupants were requested to address their sensation, preference and acceptability related to the current thermal environment and air movement (right-here-right-now questionnaires). The researchers were aware of possible changes in activity and/or clothing from the occupants during the field investigations, as well as the monitoring of environmental controls (air-conditioning, fans, windows, doors etc.) available for thermal adaptation.


Building Thermal Comfort
