Raw dataset for Integrated phosphoproteome, ubiquitinome, and acetylome analyses uncovering the post-translational modifications crosstalk during MSP1-induced signaling in rice

Published: 29 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2z88ydwzzc.1
, Sun Tae Kim


Supplementary files related to the data article "Proteome analysis dataset of Post-Translational Modifications in MSP1-overexpressed rice" G.H. Lee,C.W. Min, J.W. Jang, G. Ravi, S.T. Kim. Data in Brief (2022). This article reporting Post-Translational Modifications induced by MSP1 in rice. This data complements the original research article published in Journal of Proteomics: G.H. Lee, C.W. Min, J.W. Jang, Y. Wang, J.-S. Jeon, R. Gupta, Kim, S.T. Kim, Analysis of Post-Translational Modification Dynamics Unveiled Novel Insights into Rice Responses to MSP1, J. Proteomics (2023) Supplementary Table captions Table S1. List of the identified proteins from phosphoproteome. Intensities values represent the averaged intensities from three technical replicates. Table S2. List of the identified proteins from ubiquitinome. Intensities values represent the averaged intensities from three technical replicates. Table S3. List of the identified proteins from acetylome. Intensities values represent the averaged intensities from three technical replicates. Table S4. Primer list Table S5. List of the common proteins from phosphoproteome, ubiquitinome, and acetylome



Pusan National University


Post-Transcription Modification, Proteomics, Rice, Plant-Pathogen Interaction


Pusan National University

This work was supported by a 2-Year Research Grant of Pusan National University
