Officer et al_Application of the double-difference relocation method to acoustic emission events in high-pressure deformation experiments_waveforms
Published: 17 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/2zg8nty84b.1
Timothy OfficerDescription
Found here are the raw waveforms for Officer et al. "Application of the double-difference relocation method to acoustic emission events in high-pressure deformation experiments" Acoustic emissions were collected using piezoelectric sensors during a high pressure/high temperature deformation experiment in the D-DIA. Acoustic emissions were generated from transformational faulting of a Mg2GeO4 sample at high pressure and temperature. The waveforms are in .atf (ascii) format or SAC format
Steps to reproduce
The waveforms are in .atf (ascii) format or SAC format
University of Chicago
Acoustic Emission