Canadian Provincial Input-Output Tables of Embodied Emissions, 2010-2015
This dataset was created using an environmentally extended multi-region input-output (EE-MRIO) model, which uses an input and output approach that tracks flows of monetary values of trade to allot environmental impacts between regions and sectors. The MRIO model is a predominant method for the estimation of consumption-based greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting. Our particular model was constructed using Python. The tabulated results show the flows of emissions embodied in imports, exports, and domestic consumption of a region. In our case, we calculated the consumption emissions of all Canadian provinces and territories from 2010-2015. The tables show intersectoral, interprovincial, and international flows of embodied emissions, presented in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)" Regarding our model’s inputs for estimating embodied emissions in international trade, we utilized the Environmental Accounts and financial input-output tables from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD). For estimating embodied emissions in Canada and Canada’s trade, we used Canada’s Physical Flow Accounts, Interprovincial Input-Output and Supply-Use Tables, and Canada’s Trade Online Data. These datasets were accessed in August 2019 from the following websites (see links): • WIOD Input-Output Tables: • WIOD Environmental Accounts 2013: • WIOD Environmental Accounts 2019: • Interprovincial Input-Output Tables: • Interprovincial Supply-Use Tables: • Physical Flow Accounts: • Canada’s Trade Online Data: