Data for: Deformation band formation as a function of progressive burial: depth calibration and mechanism change in the Pannonian Basin (Hungary)
The Excel file contains the input parameters for subsidence modelling for each of the 4 sub-area (each of them is on separate sheet). The input parameters are the age of the layer, the lithology, the thickness, the deposition and erosion intervals and the eroded thickness. The summary borehole data statistics of layer thicknesses are also indicated such as minimum, maximum, second maximum, average and the average of the highest 25%. The thickness for the input parameters for subsidence modelling is based on the average of the highest 25% of thicknesses taking into account those boreholes which are the nearest to the studied outcrops. In case of the Nógrád area, the input parameters are based on 1 borehole (Sh-16) which is the closest to the outcrops and drilled the most complete sequence of the local stratigraphy. The paleowater depth data were also indicated for each sub-area. The same paleo-heat flow data were used for each sub-area, and they are located on a separate sheet of the excel file.