Raw data from the investigation of methane hydrate nucleation and growth kinetics in the methane–water and methane–methanol–water systems

Published: 20 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/324kyf7czt.1
Anton Semenov


The raw data presented in the folder "Gas hydrate kinetics CH4-MeOH-H2O" are related to the study of the of methane hydrate nucleation and growth kinetics in the methane–water and methane–methanol–water systems. The name of each subfolder indicates the composition of the aqueous solution being studied. For example, the subfolder named "1% MeOH" contains experimental data obtained during the study of the nucleation and growth of methane hydrate in the presence of an aqueous methanol solution with an alcohol concentration of one mass %. Each subfolder contains several files with an .xlsx extension. Each file consists of the raw experimental data recorded in one of the cooling-heating cycles. For example, the file named "1% MeOH_1 cycle" contains experimental data obtained for a sample of 1 mass% aqueous methanol solution in the first cooling-heating cycle. Three to five cooling-heating cycles were performed for each of the samples to obtain a statistically significant dataset for calculating methane hydrate formation probability distributions and determining methane hydrate nucleation rates. The data in the file includes time (since cycle start, column A), thermostatic bath temperature (°C, column C), and gauge pressure in Cells #1-6 (bar, columns K-P) of the RCS6 apparatus. The raw data are associated with the articles: [1] A.P. Semenov, T.B. Tulegenov, R.I. Mendgaziev, A.S. Stoporev, V.A. Istomin, D.V. Sergeeva, D.A. Lednev, V.A. Vinokurov, Dual nature of methanol as a thermodynamic inhibitor and kinetic promoter of methane hydrate formation in a wide concentration range, J. Mol. Liq. (2024) MOLLIQ-D-24-00296R1. [2] A.P. Semenov, T.B. Tulegenov, R.I. Mendgaziev, A.S. Stoporev, V.A. Istomin, D. V. Sergeeva, D.A. Lednev, V.A. Vinokurov, Dataset for the investigation of the nucleation and growth kinetics of methane hydrate in the presence of aqueous methanol solutions, Data Br. in Press (2024) in Press.


Steps to reproduce

Determination of methane hydrate onset pressure and temperature from a single file. 1) Convert the gauge pressure (bar) to absolute pressure (bar) in Cell #1 by adding 1 to the gauge pressure values in Column K. 2) Plot the experimental P-T trajectory for Cell #1 (the absolute pressure column is from Step 1; the temperature is from Column C). 3) Approximate the section of the experimental P-T trajectory prior to hydrate onset at a slow cooling stage (rate 1 K/h) with a linear function. 4) The hydrate onset point on the P-T trajectory can be detected by the deviation of the experimental pressure in Cell #1 from the approximated value by more than 0.05 bar (and the subsequent stable growth of this difference). 5) Convert the absolute pressure (bar) and temperature (°C) of hydrate onset to (MPa) and (K), respectively. 6) Repeat steps #1-5 for data from other test cells.


Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet nefti i gaza imeni I M Gubkina


Physical Chemistry, Nucleation, Crystallization Kinetics, Kinetics Measurement, Uptake Rates, Gas Hydrate, Nucleation Phenomena, Methane Hydrate, Methanol
