Data for: Replication of Strazicich and List (2003): Are CO2 Emission Levels Converging among Industrial Countries?
This document includes dataset and codes used in the paper "Replication of Strazicich and List (2003): Are CO2 Emission Levels Converging among Industrial Countries?" Data file includes three sheets 1-) narrow_and_wide_crosssection is used to generate cross sectional regression results reported in table 1 and 3. 2-) narrow_timeseries is used to produce time series results reported in table 2. 3-) wide_timeseries is used to generate time series results reported in table 4. There are three different stata command text files. 1-) stata_crosssection is for empirical results reported in table 1 and 3. 2-) stata_timeseries_narrow is for empirical results reported in table 2. 3-) stata_timeseries_wide is for empirical results reported in table 4. The variables used in cross sectional regression are as follows 1-) nco60: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in 1960, Source: World Bank (2001), World Development Indicators 2-) nco97: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in 1997, Source: World Bank (2001), World Development Indicators 3-) ngdp78: (RGDPTT) per capita real GDP (US$) adjusted for PPP in 1978, Source: PWT version 5.6 4-) ngaso98: Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) in 1998, Source: World Bank (2001), World Development Indicators 5-) npop78: Population density (people per sq. km of land area) in 1978, World Bank (2001), World Development Indicators 6-) ntemp01: Average temperature in January in 2001 (July in Australia and New Zealand) Source: 7-) wco60: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in 1960, Source: World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 8-) wco13: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in 2013, Source: World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 9-) wgdp86: (RGDPCH) ppp converted GDP per capita (chain at 2005 constant prices), Source: PWT version 7.1 10-) wpop86: Population density (people per sq. km of land area) in 1986, World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 11-) wgaso14: Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter) in 2014, Source: World Bank (2017), World Development Indicators 12-) wtemp13: Average temperature on January in 2013 (July in Australia and New Zealand) Source: The variables used in time series (IPS) are as follows 1-) nco2: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) over the period 1960-1997, Source: World Bank (2001) 2-) wco60: CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) over the period 1960-2013, Source: World Bank (2017)