eTraj.jl: Trajectory-based simulation for strong-field ionization
The dynamics of light-matter interactions in the realm of strong-field ionization has been a focal point and has attracted widespread interest. We present the eTraj.jl program package, designed to implement established classical/semiclassical trajectory-based methods to determine the photoelectron momentum distribution resulting from strong-field ionization of both atoms and molecules. The program operates within a unified theoretical framework that separates the trajectory-based computation into two stages: initial-condition preparation and trajectory evolution. For initial-condition preparation, we provide several methods, including the Strong-Field Approximation with Saddle-Point Approximation (SFA-SPA), SFA-SPA with Non-adiabatic Expansion (SFA-SPANE), and the Ammosov-Delone-Krainov theory (ADK), with atomic and molecular variants, as well as the Weak-Field Asymptotic Theory (WFAT) for molecules. For trajectory evolution, available options are Classical Trajectory Monte-Carlo (CTMC), which employs purely classical electron trajectories, and the Quantum Trajectory Monte-Carlo (QTMC) and Semi-Classical Two-Step model (SCTS), which include the quantum phase during trajectory evolution. The program is a versatile, efficient, flexible, and out-of-the-box solution for trajectory-based simulations for strong-field ionization. It is designed with user-friendliness in mind and is expected to serve as a valuable and powerful tool for the community of strong-field physics.