Dataset of β-Ti alloys with moduli and phase states

Published: 29 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/33r83fywxg.1
Chun Te Wu


All data in this dataset were collected from various research articles. This dataset combines the data collected from our previous work and new findings. These data are suggested to be reused for either data analysis for determining the correlation among composition, phase state, and modulus or model training to assist the alloy design. The dataset contains an xlsx document with two tables and a folder with responding XML data. Within dataset, one table is of alloy features, which lists alloy composition, phase state and Young’s modulus (β phase only); the other table is of the associated reference article. The alloy feature table contains twelve columns. The first to the sixth columns indicate the alloy compositions (in wt. %) in sequence of Ti, Nb, Zr, Sn, Mo and Ta. The seventh column indicates method used for Ms temperature measurement. The eighth column provides information about detail parameters of Ms temperature according to method indicated in seventh column. The ninth column indicates Ms temperatures of alloys. The tenth column indicates moduli of alloys. The eleventh column indicates the phase states of alloys. The twelfth column indicates reference number in the sheet of references.



National Taiwan University


Applied Sciences
