Data for: Observer-based detection and isolation of bounded permanent sensor faults in a class of uncertain switched affine systems
This dataset contains the codes to set the parameters to generate the matrices obtained in the paper and the Matlab workspace files with the residual error generators' gains and parameters obtained after solving the optimization algorithms. The file Instructions.txt contains instructions on how to access the parameters and gains in the workspace files.
Steps to reproduce
The results were obtained by using Matlab/Simulink version 2020a. The packages YALMIP and SDPT-3 were used to solve all LMIs. The file Instructions.txt contains all the instructions to access the gains and parameters obtained.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
2014/50851-0, 2016/21120-2, 2019/25530-9 and 2022/01074-7
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
311959/2021- 0
Research Development Foundation (Fundep)
Rota 2030/Line V under grant 27192/27