QTRAJ 1.0: A Lindblad equation solver for heavy-quarkonium dynamics
Published: 10 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/34hbsb6pzy.1
, , , , , , Description
We introduce an open-source package called QTraj that solves the Lindblad equation for heavy-quarkonium dynamics using the quantum trajectories algorithm. The package allows users to simulate the suppression of heavy-quarkonium states using externally-supplied input from 3+1D hydrodynamics simulations. The code uses a split-step pseudo-spectral method for updating the wave-function between jumps, which is implemented using the open-source multi-threaded FFTW3 package. This allows one to have manifestly unitary evolution when using real-valued potentials. In this paper, we provide detailed documentation of QTraj 1.0, installation instructions, and present various tests and benchmarks of the code.
Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics, Open Quantum Systems