A dataset of color QR Codes generated using back-compatible and random colorization algorithms exposed to different illumination-capture channel conditions

Published: 6 October 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/35kj4v96cm.2
Ismael Benito-Altamirano, David Martínez-Carpena, Olga Casals, cristian fabrega, Andreas Waag, Daniel Prades


Color QR Codes are often generated to encode digital information, but one also could use colors or to allocate colors in a QR Code to act as a color calibration chart. In this dataset, we present several thousand QR Codes images generated with two different colorization algorithms (random and back-compatible) and several tuning variables in these color encoding. The QR Codes were also exposed to three different channel conditions (empty, augmentation and real-life). Also, we derive the SNR and BER computations for these QR Code in comparison with their black and white versions. Finally, we also show if ZBar, a commercial QR Code scanner, is able to read them.



Universitat de Barcelona


Image Processing, Colorimetry, Pattern Recognition, Digital Communication
