Aggregated Robot Motion in Relation to Joint Stress (alpha)

Published: 21 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/35wb9ycrtz.1
Emil Stubbe Kolvig-Raun,


This dataset encompasses aggregated information per execution of a program line focusing on robot motion, obtained through flight recordings generated by the Real-Time Data Exchange. The data was recorded from 1325 Universal Robot e-series robots, covering 9800 unique motion executions. Each row represents a particular joint and the following features, resulting in 56405 rows: * `ur_model`: The e-series model number. * `joint`: The particular robot joint, [0,5]. * `max_torque`: The maximal torque for the joint size. * `main_joint`: The joint that moved the furthest during the execution of this programming line. * `window_size`: The number of data entries facilitating this row (the length of the RTDE time series). * `velocity_input`: The input velocity argument for the program line. * `acceleration_input`: The input acceleration argument for the program line. * `tcp_distance`: The Eucledian travel distance for the TCP. * `base_wrist_distance_current`: The Euclidean distance from the base to the TCP at the start. * `base_wrist_distance_desired`: The Euclidean distance from the base to the TCP at the end. * `moment_mx_delta`: The maximum recorded Rate of Change for the moment in the particular joint. * `moment_max`: The maximum recorded moment in the particular joint. * `torque`: The maximum recorded torque in the particular joint. * `velocity`: The maximum recorded velocity in the particular joint. * `acceleration`: The maximum recorded acceleration in the particular joint. * `current`: The maximum recorded current in the particular joint. * `dir_change`: Whether the joint changed rotational direction during execution. * `current_position`: Start position in radians for the particular joint. * `desired_position`: End position in radians for the particular joint. * `joint_distance`: Total radians rotated during execution. * `robot_id`: Anonymous ID of the particular robot. * `line_id`: Line ID. * `alpha`: Amount of stress exerted on the particular joint. label_0 = 25 < delta label_1 = 20 < delta < 25 label_2 = 15 < delta < 20 label_3 = delta < 15 Delta denotes wear cycles and can be found here: If your intended use of the dataset is not permitted pursuant to the Terms (CC BY NC 3.0), you may contact Universal Robots via email at and request a special permission to engage in your particular intended use. Universal Robots may, in its sole discretion, grant or deny such a request.


Steps to reproduce

1. Execute a robot control program including "move to" commands. 2. Establish a connection to the RTDE interface and make sure to sample at a frequency of 500Hz. 3. Sample the denoted features.


Syddansk Universitet


Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering Method, Manipulator, Manufacturing Robotics


Universal Robots
