Tomtschik et al - Regional Disparities in the Dermatology Workforce (Supplement)
Supplementary figures for Tomtschik et al 2022 "Regional Disparities in the Dermatology Workforce: A Longitudinal Analysis of AMA Workforce Data" Supplemental Figure 1. Dermatologist Density by State (2021). Mapped are dermatologist densities for each US state in 2021. *p<0.01; refers to Moran’s I spatial autocorrelation using dermatologist density from each state. Supplemental Figure 2. Rural vs. Non-Rural Dermatologist Supply (2006-2017). Shown are numbers of US dermatologists working in rural and non-rural areas from 2006 to 2017. Compound annual growth rates are shown in the figure legend. Supplemental Figure 3. Dermatology Residency Programs vs. Dermatologists by State (2021). Each point on the plot below represents one US state or the District of Columbia. States are arranged by number of dermatology residency programs (x-axis) vs. number of practicing dermatologists (y-axis). P-value refers to univariate linear regression statistic of the plot points. All analyses conducted using AMA workforce data.