Supplementary Data (Oxygen and Chromium isotopes) for : "Petrogenesis of a new fall meteorite Rantila: Implications to origin of aubrite parent bodies"
Published: 4 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/36fr7gdg55.1
Yash Srivastava, , , , , , , Ryoji Tanaka, , , , , , , , , Description
Supplementary data for the manuscript by Srivastava et al., titled as "Petrogenesis of a new fall meteorite Rantila: Implications to origin of aubrite parent bodies". Table S1: Oxygen isotope data of Rantila and standard sample MSOL1. Table S2: Chromium isotope data of Rantila, standard reference Cr_SRM 979 and BHVO2
Isotope Geochemistry, Oxygen Isotope
Indian Space Research Organisation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science