The impact of Using English Curriculum design based on industry communication needs in English Teaching on vocational school to improve students English skill for Industry standard working communication.
This data is about reseach that presented the result of implementing design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school to solve the students’ lower competence in communicating by using English. Following Nargers Rasidi (2016) this research used qestioners to find the perseption of students and the owners of industry to the design of ECBICN on vocational school. Students and industry perception also is collected from interview to 36 students and 5 managers of Industry uses vocational out put as workers at their company. To find out the impact of implementing design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school to the stdents skill, this research conduct experimental activity. The result of reseach shows that the firstly the competence of students after treatment design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school increase by avarage of speaking score 75,58, listening 72,65, reading 80, 34 and writting 78,56 for avarage. The score of students before theatment is 65, 30 for speaking, 54,35 for listening, 70,12 for reading and 60,45 for writting skill. The better achievement of students skill such as in industrial communication necessary which consist of stating planning or presentation in speaking and writting skill, receiving instruction in reading and listening comprehension skill and reporting job in speaking and writting skill. Secondly, it is found that students perception to the design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school shows positive significantly 65,45 % agree and 11,57% students are strongly agree. Students state that they are interested in learning English by the design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school. They also say that they think that the design has provoke thier motivation to learn English to prepare their future. Thirdly, there are six big companies state that suitable English curriculum as the design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school help the student to increase their carer in their company. They are Astra honda Motor, Astra Daihatsu, united Tractor, Astra Toyota, dan Sinetsu in Malaysia. It shows that 61,11% industry owner agree and 17,60 % industry are strongly agree the design of English Curriculum based on industry communication needs on vocational school is very useful to support the out put of vocational school for their career. So it can be concluded that more focuse English curriculum to the program in vocational school and based on industri or work field is more efective and usefull for students and also companies. Vocational school in Indonesia should change english curriculum from general english to English for spesific purpose (ESP).
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This study is used mix method. This research uses qestioners to find the perseption of students and the owners of industry Then, the impact of the curriculum is colleted by pre test and post test. The participant of this research are 36 students of vocational school in bussiness and management program of second year. From industry side, this research takes 6 industry owners become the object of this study, they are Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), astra honda Motor, Telkom Indonesia, Astra International Toyota, Astra International United Tractor and Sinetsu In Malaysia. To find out the impact of this curiculum to the stdents skill, this research conducted experimental activity. The students consist of 36 persons 31 female students and 5 male students. They followed English learning and teaching with materials such as; 1) Presenting proposal of the job in industry or company; 2) Presenting report of a job or project which has finished; 3) Presenting and responding manual book of operating tools; 3) Responding instruction of oral or sound based on the field study or work information; 4) Responding instruction of written form about work activities; 5) Writting Bussiness letter and report of Job. The perception also is collected from interview to 36 students of vocational school in second years. The perception from students and company were gotten from intruments for this research: Q1. English curiculum consist of industry communication needs is interesting Q.2. The class activity of speaking, listening, reading and writting by Curiculum based industry communication needs is usefull for my future. Q.3. I can speak, listen, read and write English for working need after learning by Curriculum based industry communication needs Q.4. I have Confidence to speak, listen, read and write English about working in my field/ competence program Q.5. I am sure I can pass selection of working test about English competence after I studied by Curriculum based Industry/ working communication needs on my school. Q.6. Curriculum based Industry/ working communication needs on my school help me much to do my job. For Industrie questionaire as folow: Q1. English curiculum consist of industry communication needs is suitable for candidate of worker. Q.2. The Materials of speaking, listening, reading and writting by Curiculum based industry communication needs is usefull for worker future in my company. Q.3. Out Put can speak, listen, read and write English for working need after learning by Curriculum based industry communication needs. Q.4. the graduating student look confidence to speak, listen, read and write English in working activity on my company. Q.5. the graduated students can pass selection of working test about English competence after following learning by curriculum based Industry/ working communication needs. Q.6. Teaching English by using curriculum based Industry/ working communication needs can help worker to finish work at industry.