Aaltonen H. et al. 2021. "The effects of glucose addition and water table manipulation on peat quality of drained peatland forests with different management practices"

Published: 16 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/36k59tkp7c.1


The dataset contains data of the peat column priming experiment carried out in the project "Reducing the effects of forest management on inland water (REFORMWATER) funded by the Water-JPI. The overarching aim of this study was to look for less invasive practices to reduce the harmful effects of peatland forest management at the time of climate change and increasing demands for tree biomass. We postulated a main hypothesis that the ditch network maintenance operation lowers the water table depth, the availability of oxygen increases and this increases the abundance and activity of decomposing microbes in peat, leading to increased release of dissolved organic matter and nutrients. The data is based on a peat column experiment where 50 cm-long peat columns were collected from drained peatland forests and exposed to different water table and glucose manipulation treatments. The decomposition stage of peat was measured using soil organic matter fractionation based on acid-water extractions and the decomposition of peat was measured by measuring soil respiration. Also dissolved organic carbon and its quality were measured from water samples collected from the columns.



Forestry, Soil Science, Biogeochemistry


Academy of Finland


Academy of Finland

