Data for : Hybrid Vibration Control of an Industrial CFRP Composite Robot-Manipulator System Based on Reduced Order Model
Published: 12 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/36wc84t8gn.1
Mehmet Mert İLMAN, , , Description
This dataset presents a total of 81 data of four types of experiments of the proposed hybrid vibration control study: (1) in robustness test; time, end point applied force data and root strain-gauge data were collected. (2) In hybrid vibration control strain-gauge test; Time, angular velocity input applied from Point-O and strain-gauge data at the root were collected. (3) In the hybrid vibration control accelerometer test; time, angular velocity input applied from Point-O and accelerometer data at Point-A were collected. (4) In sysetem identification test; Without the FLM system, only the data defined to the drive and the angular velocity data derived from the encoder were collected.
Manisa Celal Bayar Universitesi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi - Tinaztepe Kampusu
Robotics, Carbon Fiber, Active Vibration Control, Manipulator, Control of Flexible System, Dynamics of Flexible Mechanism