Comments on Telegram channels related to cryptocurrencies along with sentiments
Through Telegram API, the authors collected this database over four months ago. These data are Telegram's comments of over eight professional Telegram channels about cryptocurrencies from December 2023 to March 2024. The theory of Behavioral economics shows that the opinions of people, especially experts, can impact the stock market trend (here, cryptocurrencies). Existing databases often cover tweets or Telegram's comments on one or more cryptocurrencies. Also, in these databases, no attention is paid to the user's expertise, and most of the data is extracted using hashtags. Failure to pay attention to the user's expertise causes the irrelevant volume to increase and the neutral polarity considerably. This database has a main table with eight columns. The columns of the main table are explained in the attached document. Researchers can use this dataset in various machine learning tasks, such as sentiment analysis and deep transfer learning with sentiment analysis. Also, this data can be used to check the impact of influencers' opinions on the cryptocurrency market trend. The use of this database is allowed by mentioning the source. Furthermore, we have added Python code to extract Telegram's comments. We used the RoBERTa pre-trained deep neural network and BiGRU deep neural network with an attention layer-based HDRB model( for sentiment analysis.
Steps to reproduce
We collected data using the Telegram API (code attached) and performed sentiment analysis using Roberta's pre-trained network. We have used Python programming language for data collection and sentiment analysis.