Solute cluster analysis of neutron irradiated 304L stainless steel with the Open Source Characterization of APT Reconstructions (OSCAR) program
Atom probe tomography dataset (run number R94_10497) obtained from 304L stainless steel irradiated by fast neutrons (E > 0.1 MeV) in the BOR-60 reactor at 318C to 47.5 dpa. Data was collected using a CAMECA Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP) 5000X HR. Run parameters were voltage acquisition mode, 50 K temperature, 20% pulse fraction, 200 kHz pulse rate, and 0.50 detection rate. APT volume reconstruction was done with CAMECA's IVAS software. The atom position file (.pos), range file (.rrng), and mass spectrum (R94_10497_massSpec.csv) are included. The Open Source Characterization of APT Reconstructions (OSCAR) program that was used for Cu and Si cluster analysis is included as a Jupyter notebook (OSCAR Iso-Position.ipynb). Required Python modules to run the notebook (,, and are included in the apt_pkg package. Other dependencies for OSCAR not included in Anaconda 4.3.1 for Python version 3.5 are the mendeleev and tqdm packages. Sample outputs from OSCAR are provided. The file labeled "posOSCAR" includes the atom positions, mass to charge ratio, element IDs, results from the local concentration analysis for the selected solute, etc. The file labeled "clusters" includes information (atoms, mass, center of mass, and radius) on the clusters prior to erosion. The file labeled "cores" includes the core composition of each cluster and the calculated erosion distance. The file labeled "eroded clusters" includes information (atoms, mass, center of mass, and radius) on the clusters after erosion and results from the sphericity filter.