¬¬Genesis and structure of Cobalt rich Fe-Mnnodules and crust of Lakshadweep Ridge, Arabian Sea, India.

Published: 13 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/377tns888y.1
Shaniba V,
, Ravi Gorle,
, Sreeja K,
, Harisanth S


Genesis and structure of Cobalt rich Fe-Mn nodules and crust of Lakshadweep Ridge, Arabian Sea, India. Lakshadweep crust and nodules are found to be seamount hosted, and their geochemistry reflects the hydrogenetic origin slow growth rate ~1-2mm/Ma. Fe-Mn nodules in the Peremul Par area of Lakshadweep are of considerable size, with an average diameter of 15 cm and a thick oxide layer of 6 cm. Core of Fe-Mn nodules and crust are phosphatised. Internal structures and EPMA analysis show that phosphatisation has occurred in the substrate, the nucleus, and during the later stages of Fe-Mn precipitation.


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Stereo zoom and ore microscopic studies, SEM-EDX analysis, EPMA and Geochemical analysis of Fe Mn crust and nodules were carried out for the study.


Geological Survey of India


Marine Geology
