Custo-efetividade do Paxlovid contra infecção de COVID-19 em pacientes idosos e imunossurpimidos [Cost-effectiveness of Paxlovid against COVID-19 infection in elderly and immunosuppressed patients]
Published: 5 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/37k82fyj6h.1
Núcleo de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde Instituto Nacional de CardiologiaDescription
[This is the repository of versions of the complete model of[ Cost-effectiveness of Paxlovid against COVID-19 infection in elderly and immunosuppressed patients builded by the Center for the Evaluation of Health Technologies of the National Institute of Cardiology (NATS-INC) aiming to support the reimbursement discussions of the National Commission for Incorporating Technology into SUS (Conitec)]. The model was built in TreeAgePro 2022.
Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia
Assessment in Health Technology