A Computational Model to Simulate Development and Recovery of Traumatised Patients

Published: 28 September 2017| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/37m8jvnjzt.2
Daniel Formolo


* for a more update software version go to https://formolo.wixsite.com/mind-model-trauma - Traumatised Patients Report, including feedback questionnaires (open access); - Traumatised Patient`s Model developed in Matlab. - Set of tests/experiments running the model over the database and hypothetical situations (groups of patients in treatment) - Excel results and predictions of the model about the behaviour of patients alone or submitted to external factors, lke group therapy and other external conditions. There one can see the development of patients to deal with the trauma. for more details, consult the paper: "A Computational Model to Simulate Development and Recovery of Traumatised Patients"


Steps to reproduce

the description is in documents together with the data and in the paper.


Applied Sciences, Brain, Trauma, Modelling
