Variability of linear displacements and velocities of upper body of elite seated shot-putters throwing from different seating configurations
Published: 20 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/38hvnjy2yj.1
, Description
Overall (all throws) and inter-participant (average of all throws of each participant) variability of linear displacements and velocities of upper body (e.g., put/hand, elbow, shoulder, trunk) during seated shot-put throwing. Overall and individual linear kinetic variables were provided for elite seated shot-putters throwing from four seating configurations involving sitting direction (e.g., front on, diagonal) and use of a holding pole (e.g., with pole, without pole).
Middlesex University, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast
Biomechanics, Disability, Coaching, Adapted Exercise