Test data for the assesment of joint day-ahad energy-reserve allocation
This dataset is constructed to demonstrate and evaluate the joint day-ahed trading of electrical energy and network reserves on European-type power exchanges. The corresponding optimization models and the results of the simulation are presented in the manuscript entitled "Algorithm design for European electricity market clearing with implicit procurement of control reserves". The dataset contains 3 files: 1) journal18-base_N101-N102-N103-N104_180227_coopt.dat: General market settings, bid and network parameters used in the joint allocation scenario. 2) journal18-base_N101-N102-N103-N104_180227_sep.dat: General market settings, bid and network parameters used for the energy market in the separated allocation scenario. 3) notations.pdf: Explanation of the parameter notations (in the other two files) using the concepts presented in the manuscript.