Structural tests on high strength steel welded I-section frames
Published: 23 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/38xk9wfv7b.1
Fiona Walport, , , Description
This dataset consists of data related to the experimental and numerical investigation of the in-plane behaviour of eight fixed-base, single storey, unbraced high strength steel frames. The results and discussion associated with this dataset have been published as an open access article in the Journal of Engineering Structures and can be accessed via this link: This data is an example of the necessary data required for validation during the design of steel structures assisted by geometrically and materially nonlinear shell finite element analysis with explicit treatment of imperfections (GMNIA). The data and supplementary information include: 1. Experimental dataset 2. Numerical dataset
Imperial College London
Steel, Bending, Structural Analysis, Finite Element Code Validation