The Moderating Role of Cultural Backgrounds in the Relationship between Enjoyment and Willingness to Communicate among L2 Chinese Learners in Target Language Environments.
Hypotheses: H1: Enjoyment significantly predicts WTC in inside the classroom among L2 Chinese learners in target language environments. H2: Enjoyment significantly predicts WTC outside the classroom among L2 Chinese learners in target language environments. H3: WTC inside the classroom significantly predicts WTC outside the classroom among L2 Chinese learners in target language environments. H4: Cultural backgrounds (Asia vs. Non-Asia) moderate the pathways among enjoyment and WTC outside the classroom among L2 Chinese learners in target language environments. H5: Cultural backgrounds (Asia vs. Non-Asia) moderate the pathways among enjoyment, WTC inside the classroom, and WTC outside the classroom among L2 Chinese learners in target language environments.