Dataset: Podporozhye

Published: 6 July 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/39b9bbprcx.3


Spatial data are created based on different open data sources for the neighborhood area of the city Podporozhye (Leningrad Region, Russia) with a center in Tokari village. The Dataset consists of: 1. Edges – spatial line data, describing the potential roads. 2. Vertexes – spatial point data, describing the edges endpoints. 3. Terminals – spatial point data, describing centroids of artificial harvest units. 4. Zones – spatial data, used for graph decomposition. 5. Clusters – harvesting blocks, clustered via Statistica "Clustenring" tool (K-means) and authors method. 6. Fire ponds allocation – spatial data. Since we are dealing with graph modeling of the forest road network, edge weights are obtained as weighted road construction costs. Used coordinate system: EPSG 32638 Area: approximately 1400 km^2. The graph contains 247 668 nodes, 1 143 690 edges, 239 terminals divided into 11 zones. For legal information please read the relevant file. Changelog: 1. Added Clusters archive. Results presented at conference VI All-Russian scientific and technical conference «Forests of Russia: Policy, Industry, Science, Education» [Леса России: политика, промышленность, наука, образование] 26.05.2021, St. Petersburg, Russia. Бачериков И.В., Симоненкова А.В., Симоненков М.В. Исследование кейса: Подпорожье. Применение метода кластеризации k-средних для объединения лесосек в группы [Bacherikov I., Simonenkova A., Simonenkov M. Case Study: Podporozhye. Application of k-Means Clustering Method for Logging Sites Grouping] 2. Added Fire Ponds Allocation. Results will be presented at The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Sustainable Forests: Ecology, Management, Products and Trade (IECF2021), 01.09.2021, online.



Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Database, Russia, Forest Management, Road Construction, Forestry Economics, Road, Structured Query Language, Road Network
