Dataset: Podporozhye

Published: 13 September 2021| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/39b9bbprcx.4


Spatial data are created based on different open data sources for the neighbourhood area of the city Podporozhye (Leningrad Region, Russia) with a centre in Tokari village. The Dataset consists of: 1. Folder «Spatial data» 1.1. Legal Information for this folder. 1.2. Edges – spatial line data, describing the potential roads. 1.3. Vertexes – spatial point data, describing the endpoints of the edges. 1.4. Terminals – spatial point data, describing centroids of artificial harvest units. 1.5. Zones – spatial data used for graph decomposition. 1.6. Clusters – harvesting blocks, clustered via Statistica "Clustering" tool (K-means) and authors method. 2. Folder «Fire Ponds allocation»: 2.1. Depth to Water – spatial data. 2.2. Fire Ponds Locations with DTW. 2.3. Fire Ponds Locations Without DTW. 2.4. Forest Compartments. 3. Folder «Triangulated Irregular Network»: 3.1. Legal Information for this folder. 3.2. Data Structure – .xls files with brief attribute description. 3.3. Input Data – represented by edges and vertices of the graph (for one regular and three irregular networks of different density of vertices), areas with loss of forest cover according to Global Forest Change (artificial harvest blocks). The following designations were used: 1) Regular16L for a lattice-type network with 16 links and 100 m between the nodes, 2) 1P2H for a triangulated network with a density of 0.5 nodes per hectare, 3) 1P1H for a triangulated network with a density of 1 node per hectare, 4) 2P1H for a triangulated network with a density of 2 nodes per hectare. 3.4. Output Data – represented by road networks with the minimum construction and transportation costs connecting all logging sites to the sink node for each dataset. For legal information, please read the relevant files. Changelog: 1. Added Clusters archive. Results have been presented at conference VI All-Russian scientific and technical conference «Forests of Russia: Policy, Industry, Science, Education» [Леса России: политика, промышленность, наука, образование] 26.05.2021, St. Petersburg, Russia. Бачериков И.В., Симоненкова А.В., Симоненков М.В. Исследование кейса: Подпорожье. Применение метода кластеризации k-средних для объединения лесосек в группы [Bacherikov I., Simonenkova A., Simonenkov M. Case Study: Podporozhye. Application of k-Means Clustering Method for Logging Sites Grouping] 2. Added Fire Ponds Allocation. Results have been presented at The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Sustainable Forests: Ecology, Management, Products and Trade (IECF2021), 01.09.2021, online. 3. Added Triangulated Irregular Network. Results have been presented at The 43rd annual meeting of the Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) and the 53rd annual meeting of the International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC), 30.09.2021, online.



Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Database, Russia, Forest Management, Road Construction, Forestry Economics, Road, Structured Query Language, Road Network
