Dataset: Cognitive Workload Analysis in Enterprise Resource Planning

Published: 5 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/39bdkwbgmj.1
Madhavi Dachawar,


This dataset is dedicated to the analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, providing comprehensive insights into various aspects crucial for understanding their functionality and effectiveness in organizational contexts. Key parameters included in the dataset: Psychological Efforts: Indicates the level of psychological effort required to complete tasks within the ERP system, ranging from low to high complexity. Physical Efforts: Reflects the level of physical exertion necessary to perform tasks within the ERP system, ranging from minimal to highly demanding. Time Pressure: Represents the degree of time pressure experienced by users while working within the ERP system, ranging from low to high urgency. Task Completion: Measures the level of success in completing tasks within the ERP system as per organizational expectations, ranging from satisfactory to poor outcomes. Workload: Assesses the amount of effort required to complete tasks within the ERP system, ranging from low to high workload. User Stress Level: Indicates the level of stress or relaxation experienced by users while working within the ERP system, ranging from minimal stress to high levels of frustration.



Enterprise Resource Planning, Cognitive Assessment
