Bhagyashree Panda
: The sports performance of a basketball player largely depends on his Agility, Power, Endurance and Coordination skills. The study has been designed to improve the basketball performance of players by using the sports specific exercise programme. Design: Two- group, pretest-posttest randomized controlled trial Setting: Sports premises of the school Methods: On the basis of inclusion criteria 38 male basketball players between the age group of 13 to 18 years will be selected. Players will be randomly distributed to two groups; group A (n=19), group B (n=19). Both Group A and Group B will continue with their routine basketball practice sessions during the intervention. In addition Group A will receive a 45 minute structured sports specific exercise programme every alternate day for 4 weeks. Shuttle run test, Zigzag test, Vertical jump test, 2.4 km run test and Induced tropia test will be assessed at baseline, 2nd week during intervention and 4th week at end of intervention. Paired t-test and independent t-test will be used to compare between- and within-group pre- and post values.