Data for: Experimental study of micro-habitat selection in ixodid ticks feeding on avian hosts

Published: 7 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3bnhvydzc2.1
Gerardo Fracasso,
, Dieter Heylen


Raw data on tick attachment success for all experiments reported in the manuscript "Experimental study of micro-habitat selection in ixodid ticks feeding on avian hosts". Our data show the number of ticks that attached to the birds respect to the total number of ticks put in each body part (treatment). Almost all attached ticks were found on the head (see tables and main text in the manuscript). A detailed description of the hypotheses, Materials and Methods, and a discussion of the results can be found in the main text of the manuscript.



Parasitology, Tick, Host-Parasite Interaction
