Encrypted data for Sustainable Tourism Perception of Tourism Immigrants

Published: 15 September 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/3bz653k6mg.2
XiuZhi Huang


This data is a limited study on the strengthening of tourism resettlement strategies in the famous tourist city of Chongqing in China. Based on complexity theory, this study investigates the influencing factors and practical significance of promoting tourism industry integration. This data is used to study the impact of positive cognition of tourism immigrants towards life, location attachment, and residence time on residents' willingness to live. Analysis of various settlement intention configurations. This data is encrypted but remains open source. Please contact the data owner to obtain the key and method to unlock it


Steps to reproduce

Data collection is conducted through street surveys of each licensed residential area using standardized questionnaires. The survey was conducted in seven regions, including five residential areas and two education pilot areas, to ensure accurate reflection of their population and demographic characteristics. Using a paper and pencil questionnaire, participants were guaranteed privacy protection, compliance with national regulations, and compliance with questionnaire design standards to ensure they were not coerced. Participants are required to answer questions honestly. Respondents are required to provide demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, and hobbies to determine the validity and authenticity of the questionnaire results. In addition, a gender specific survey was conducted. Two informal tests were conducted on a total of 100 individuals before and after the formal testing, and these individuals were excluded from statistical analysis The questionnaire uses established scales to measure the benefits of the tourism industry in the dimensions of environment (Amuquandoh, 2010; 3 projects), society (Kim, 2015; 3 projects), culture (Kim, 2014; 4 projects), politics (Kim, 2016; 3 projects), and economy (Kim, 2017; 4 projects). Use a single item scale to assess settlement intention, while use a three item scale to measure place attachment. The responses to the questionnaire items were recorded or standardized using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 point (completely disagree) to 7 points (completely agree). However, the evaluation range of settlement intention and cooperation intention ranges from 1 (least likely) to 7 (most likely).


Sichuan Agricultural University


Tourism Management
