Back to water: Gradient convergent evolution of aquatic angiosperms
The compressed file (Gradient Convergence of Aquatic Angiosperms) contains the specified directories and relevant files detailed below: 1. gene_function_annotation This folder contains the functional prediction results of 28 aquatic plant genes by DeepGO-SE. 2. 232genefamiliesPCA.txt Data used for PCA analysis of the 232 gene families contracted in aquatic plants. 3. family_test.txt The gene number in each of the 2,638 non-redundant gene families for each species. 4. genome_size.txt Data on genome size of 13,731 angiosperm plants. 5. plant_megatree.tre The GBOTB phylogeny (GenBank taxa with a backbone provided by Open Tree of Life version 9.1) (Smith and Brown, 2018) includes 79,881 seed plants. This phylogenetic tree was used for ancestral state reconstruction. 6. variables_cell Data on the aquatic plant frequency and geo-environmental variables corresponding to each cell. 7. code.R The R code used in this study.