Urban Expansion and Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in Nekemte City, Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia.
The data that used in the study were collected both from primary and secondary data source. Primary data source was the data taken through survey questionnaires and observation while secondary data was the data collected from different written materials, book, library, journal, and other articles related to the study; ortho photo was secondary data taken to analyze the extent of the urban expansion throughout the city. spatial data was analyzed using, QGIS 3.16, ERDASEMAGINE 2014, ArcGIS 10.7.1 for those data acquired to evaluate the extent of urbanization change and their spatial extents (trend analysis of the city expansion from the past to the recent year) which necessitated to analyses rate of land use land cover changes. ArcGIS is the tool which can describe things qualitatively as well as quantitatively densities expressed by concentrations, or a quantity normalized by area or total number, to describe what is happening. The researcher selects one kebele from seven kebeles of the city to study in, the kebele was Cheleleki sub city; The criteria that the researcher used for the selection was purposively identified referring to its rapid urban expansion demographically and spatially towards the peripheral area; 361 house hold was selected using n=N/1+Nɛ2 formula from 23878 total population of the keble with total households of 5974 and 357 respondents were fully responded. Questionnaire containing both open-ended and closed-ended questions for acquiring the reliable information on the issue under this study were prepared and distributed to the target groups were filled and collected. The observation was used in investigating the nature of the city expansion in different direction, which was described, narrated for both spatial and non-spatial data analysis made. Descriptive statistics based on percentages and frequencies were used to analyze quantitative data while data collected through observation was analyzed qualitatively in text. IBM SPSS software was used to analyses the quantitative data collected through survey questionnaires from respondent’s data.
Steps to reproduce
Ortho photo was taken from satellite image and spatial data was analyzed using, QGIS 3.16, ERDASEMAGINE 2014, ArcGIS 10.7.1 to identify the extent of the City expansion The researcher selects one kebele from seven kebeles of the city to take survey question, the kebele was Cheleleki sub city; The criteria that the researcher used for the selection was purposively identified referring to its rapid urban expansion demographically and spatially towards the peripheral area; 361 household was selected using n=N/1+Nɛ2 formula from 23878 total population of the Kebele with total households of 5974 and 357 respondents were fully responded.