Data extraction for Highly diverse flower strips promote natural enemies more in annual field crops: A review and meta-analysis.

Published: 17 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3d29y5jgh5.1
Nika Jachowicz, Lene Sigsgaard


This is the data used for the article Highly diverse flower strips promote natural enemies more in annual field crops: A review and meta-analysis. The aim of the study was to synthesize the knowledge about the effect of flower strips on pests and natural enemies in annual crops. The data consists of three files - Data for manuscript 1 - Natural enemies - list of data points extracted from 23 articles on the effect of flower strips on natural enemies. Each row corresponds to one pair of means (flower strip and control) extracted from the article. The data extracted includes mean natural enemy densities, standard deviations, number of samples as well as study - Data for manuscript 2 - Pests - list of data points extracted from 13 articles on the effect of flower strips on natural enemies. Each row corresponds to one pair of means (flower strip and control) extracted from the article. The data extracted includes mean pest densities or damage, standard deviations, number of samples as well as study details such as the type of pest/assesment and number of flowering species - References for the 26 articles extracted for the study



Norges miljo- og biovitenskapelige universitet Institutt for plantevitenskap, Kobenhavns Universitet Institut for Plante og Miljovidenskab


Ecosystem Services, Farmland Biodiversity, Biological Control


