Dataset for landscape pattern analysis: relationships of climatic variables and NDVI
The dataset is derived from the Hungarian part of the CarpatClim database ( and the MODIS MOD13Q1 16 days 250 m ( between 2000-2010, using bivariate linear regression on monthly data. The 1038 points represent 1038 R-squared (R2) values of the regressions. R2 values reflect the strength of relationship between aridity, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, maximum temperature and the normalized vegetation index (NDVI). For spatial analysis, we provided the codes of Hungarian macro regions, land cover and topography data (terrain height, slope and aspect). Column name Description CC_ID: CarpatClim identifier Country: Country code of CarpatClim /1=Hungary/ UTM_X: X UTM Coordinate UTM_Y: Y UTM Coordinate ARIvsNDVI_R2: R2 of Aridification Index and NDVI 2000–2010 PRECvsNDVI_R2: R2 of Precipitation and NDVI 2000–2010 PETvsNDVI_R2: R2 of Potential Evapotranspiration and NDVI 2000–2010 TMAXvsNDVI_R2: R2 of Maximum Temperature and NDVI 2000–2010 DEM_slope: SRTM slope value (degree) DEM_aspect: SRTM aspect value (azimuth) DEM: SRTM elevation (m) CLC_code: CORINE Land Cover code /arable lands (211, 213,221,222, 242,243), grasslands (231, 321), forests (311, 312, 313, 324), wetlands (411, 412), water bodies (511, 512) and artificial surfaces (112, 121, 122, 131, 142) Macro_reg_code: Hunrarian Macro Region code /Great Hungarian Plain=1, Kisalföld=2, Alpokalja=3, Transdanubian Hills=4, Transdanubian Mountains=5, North-Hungarian Mountains=6/ Microregion_code: Hungarian Micro Region code (Dövényi, Z. 2010) Dövényi, Z. ed. 2010. Inventory of Natural Micro-regions of Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Geographical Institute, Budapest