Sign and speech share partially overlapping conceptual representations
Key findings and materials from Evans et al. (2019). Sign and speech share partially overlapping conceptual representations. Current Biology. 1) Auditory speech and sign language stimuli used in the study ( 2) Group level whole brain searchlight maps FDR thresholded at p< 0.005, q < 0.05 used in Figures 2, 3, 4 ( 3) Summary data for Figure 2 - within modality ROI effect - includes data, matlab script to re-run main statistical analyses ( 4) Summary data for Figure 3 - speech specific effect - includes data, matlab script to re-run main statistical analyses ( 5) Summary data for Figure 4 - sign specific effects - includes data, matlab script to re-run main statistical analyses (
Steps to reproduce
Zip files (marked Fig 2-4) contain MATLAB scripts for re-running key statistical analyses associated with each figure.