The dataset collected data on land use and carbon storage in the coastal zone of Hainan Island, China, from 1990 to 2020
This dataset collected data on land use and carbon storage in the coastal zone of Hainan Island, China, from 1990 to 2020, and included data on driving factors affecting land use change and other statistical data of Hainan Island. As follows: 1. Land use data Secondary classification distribution map of land use from 1990 to 2020 with a spatial resolution of 30×30 m and data table of land use transfer. 2. Carbon storage data Carbon storage per unit area Carbon storage distribution map from 1990 to 2020 and carbon storage transfer data table. 3. Driving factors Driving factors including DEM, slope, density, distance from town, distance from railway, distance from highway. 4. Other data Hainan's population, GDP and tourism Revenue. Steps to reproduce: The land use types in the study area were classified into seven categories: sea, cropland (paddy field and dry field), forest land (wooded land, shrub land and other forest land), grassland (high cover grassland, medium cover grassland and low cover grassland), water (rivers, reservoirs and ponds, mudflats, wetlands and lakes, etc.), built-up land (urban land, settlement and other built-up land) and unused land (sandy land and bare land, etc.), which were combined with random forest method and manual visual interpretation to obtain land use data in the study area. In the carbon module of the InVEST, the carbon storage of regional ecosystems was evaluated based on land use and its corresponding carbon density data. Based on the carbon density calculation of forestland, grassland, cropland, built-up land, water area and other land types in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, this paper, combined with the climatic conditions of Hainan Province and other basic data, modified the carbon density data of different land use types in the study area, and calculated the carbon storage of the study area under in different periods. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were mainly obtained from the geospatial data cloud platform (, and the slope raster data of the study area were obtained quantitatively with a spatial resolution of 30×30 m using DEM with the support of ArcGIS10.8. The main source of road data is OSM (Open Street Map, It includes highways, national roads, urban traffic highways, high speed rail and some other roads. The data of cities, towns and rivers were mainly obtained from the Resource and Environment Science and Data Center ( and the administrative map of Hainan Province, etc. The distances from towns, rural settlements, rivers, provincial roads and rural roads were mainly calculated with the help of the Euclidean distance method.