Indonesian National Strategic Procurement Package Dataset 2017-2019 and Corruption Mode of Goods/Services Procurement
The article consists of ten different data files in the form of nine data tables, three data files in the form of pictures, and two files in the interview. Operational table data explains the description of Indonesia's national strategic procurement data for 2017-2019, image data is more focused on data on corruption modes of procurement of goods / services by stages, corruption modes for procurement of goods / services based on actors and the flow of the tender process and stages of corruption intervention and interview data that explains the corruption mode is based on stages and based on the perpetrator based on the results of interviews with informants from the KPK and LKPP. Secondary data created / compiled has considered three technical requirements as follows: 1) data evaluation is carried out by prioritizing themes that make the research unique, 2) the author uses scientific protocols to collect / create data, 3) requests secondary data and / or analysis to be carried out to types of data tables, images and interview results. The data collected is maximally reusable, reproducible, replicable and will be of value to the rest of the research community.
Steps to reproduce
The data collection method used is through data collection with participant observation techniques to determine essential phenomena. Marshall and Rossman (2016), explain that “through observation, researcher learn about behavior and the meaning attached to these behaviors”. The Second data collection uses the interview method in which Esterberg (2002) explains that interview is “a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through question and responses, so that communication and joint contruction of meaning about a particular topic occurs”. Third, a more basic data collection method is to use document data collection techniques. Documents are records of past events, can be in the form of writings, drawings, or monumental works of person. Fourth, this article will also use triangulation as a data collection technique. Stainback (1989) explains that "the aim is not to determine the truth about some social phenomenon rather the purpose of triangulation is to increase one's understanding of whatever is being investigated".