Persistence of subacute ruminal acidosis across lactations in dairy cows based on ruminal pH metrics and microbiota, and systemic health responses

Published: 7 February 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3ff3p9sj33.1
Patrick Biber


Supplementary data of the experiment "Persistence of subacute ruminal acidosis across lactations in dairy cows based on ruminal pH metrics and microbiota, and systemic health responses". Data was collected in 2nd lactation dairy cows with a known 1st lactation SARA severity classification during 40%-grain and 65%-grain feeding. Cows were grouped during 1st lactation into HIGH for high SARA severity and LOW for low SARA severity. Free rumen fluid was sampled with a sterile syringe from the ventral rumen sac. Particle associated rumen liquid (PARL) was sampled by collecting rumen content with a sterile long sleeve glove from the ventral, dorsal, caudal, and cranial feed mat and straining it through 4 layers of gauze to receive the fluid. We hypothesized, that the 1st lactation classified SARA severity type would persist in the second lactation. As well as this would be revealed by rumen microbiota, rumen fermentation and systemic health parameter. PARL microbiota were analyzed for beta-diversity. Free rumen -fluid, PARL and feces were analyzed for diurnal fermentation profile. Liver enzymes and acute phase protein concentration were measured in blood. The supplementary data shows a differentiation of SARA severity groups for beta-diversity. Furthermore, when introducing the 65%-grain diet, the liver enzymes increased and indicate a threat to liver health, while stress and acute phase proteins stayed on same levels. Additionally, the supplementary data offer further insight on diurnal variations of the ruminal fermentation profile and blood parameter concentrations.



Veterinarmedizinische Universitat Wien


Animal Nutrition, Cow Study, Acidosis


Christian Doppler Research Association
