Analysis of the route safety of abnormal vehicle from the perspective of traffic parameters and infrastructure characteristics with the use of web technologies and machine learning

Published: 28 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3fg2k4ds5t.1
Igor Betkier


Dear Scientist! This folder contains data collected due to conducting study: "Analysis of the route safety of abnormal vehicle from the perspective of traffic parameters and infrastructure characteristics with the use of web technologies and machine learning" funded by National Science Centre Poland (MINIATURA-5 grant reference 2021/05/X/ST8/01669). The structure of files is arising from the aims of the study and numerous of sources needed to tailor suitable data possible to use as an input layer for neural network. You can find a folders and files containing: road parameters data, Google Maps data, geocoding data for roads, population density data for roads, road incidents data, weather data for actual traffic of roads. More information in README file put in the main folder. Good luck with your study! Igor Betkier, PhD



Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im Jaroslawa Dabrowskiego


Transport, Traffic Accident, Computation Traffic Congestion Model, Traffic Congestion, Neural Network


National Science Center

NCN-MINIATURA-5 DEC-2021/05/X/ST8/01669
