Practical Consciousness
The following hypotheses are tested for practical consciousness construction on Structural Equation Modelling (SPSS-AMOS): H1: Practical consciousness is negatively or weakly related to positive experiences. H2: Practical consciousness is negatively or weakly related to negative experiences. Measurement of positive and negative experiences, as well as practical consciousness, is accomplished through self-constructed questionnaires. Structural Equation Modelling is employed to explore the relationships between practical consciousness, positive experiences and negative experiences through a self-constructed questionnaire. H1 and H2 are accepted, using the given data. The following total consciousness equation is constructed: Total Consciousness(Y)=X1(Practical Consciousness)-X2(Positive Experience)-X3(Negative Experience)+X4(Neutral) The equations calculated values of X1, X2, X3 and X4 to be 29.393, -1.299, 9.771 and 11.340, respectively. The Total Consciousness is calculated to be 30.265 (Approx.) for the present data. The next section discusses practical implications, along with limitations and future scope of the study.
Steps to reproduce
Random Sample design is used for data collection. The self-made questionnaire (Google form) was administered to 650 different income backgrounds respondents. The response rate was 49.38 means only 321 out of 650. The four participants were removed due to inconsistency in their replies. Therefore, the total number of responses for the present study was 317. All participants have a reading ability of grade 9. Table 1 depicts the details of the age, gender, educational background and occupation of the participants. 317 samples were collected, of which 32.18% are male and 67.82% female (first section). Age in years, education and occupation are further subdivided into male and female percentages.