Performance of various interpretations of clinical scoring systems for diagnosis of respiratory disease in dairy calves in a temperate climate using Bayesian latent class analysis- Data set and codes

Published: 28 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3fkbb6x423.1
John Donlon


Data from 98 Irish dairy farms. Data set includes the performance of several different interoperations of the Wisconsin clinical score derived from clinical exams undertaken on calves on these farms and thoracic ultrasound. Associated rjags code is also included. Header interpretation key: T= Positive test result F= Negative test result TUS= Thoracic ultrasound ca= California clinical score (Love et al. (2014)) ws= Wisconsin clinical score (McGuirk and Peek (2014)) bin = Wisconsin clinical score (Binversie et al. (2020)) amor = Wisconsin clinical score (Calderón-Amor and Gallo (2020)) Lago = Wisconsin clinical score (Lago et al. (2006)) medrano = Wisconsin clinical score (Medrano-Galarza et al. (2018)) population = total number of calves tested on a given farm Example: TUSFwsT = number of calves thoracic ultrasound negative and Wisconsin clinical score (McGuirk and Peek (2014)) positive on a given farm. Each line in the table represents a different farm.


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the attached rjags code and the materials and methods of "Performance of various interpretations of clinical scoring systems for diagnosis of respiratory disease in dairy calves in a temperate climate using Bayesian latent class analysis" .


University College Dublin, Teagasc Food Research Centre Moorepark


Latent Class Model, Bayesian Analysis, Bovine Respiratory Disease


Dairy Research Ireland
