Negative air ion generator as air spora Remover in Poultry farm.

Published: 2 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3fwrfvy5gg.1
Rohan kamble


The present study was to determine the fungal spores count in the absence and presence of negative air ion (NAIs) generator in a poultry farm at Kolhapur (16.70oN, 74.24oE), India. We installed the NAI generator to generate artificially negative ion continuously in the poultry farm. Fungal spores were collected for a period of one month in December 2019 by using Volumetric Tilak Air Sampler. A total of 10690 spores counted of which 6460 number of fungal spores collected in absence while 4210 number of spores collected in the presence of the NAI generator from the poultry farm. The 16 different types of fungal spores recorded of which Aspergillus, Smut, and Alternaria spore type observed as most dominant in both the absence and presence of NAIs. The qualitative analysis showed a total of 16 different fungal spores types were identified in which Aspergillus, Alternaria, Nigrospora, Tourla are reported human pathogens. Among the total number of isolated fungal spores in the absence of NAI in the poultry farm Aspergillus (1285), Alternaria (1063), Smut (900), Nigrospora (472), Cladosporium (106) types of spores were observed as most dominant fungal spores but Hyphalfragment (0), Leptosphaeria (15) were least recorded Whereas in the presence of NAI in the poultry farm the dominant fungal spores counted were also Aspergillus (1242), Alternaria (511), Smut (501), Nigrospora (296) and Hyphalfragment (0), Leptosphaeria (24). In our study the hypothesis is the Negative air ion attached themselves to particles such as dust, mold spores, and other allergens . Negative air ions are lightweight as compare to positive air ion in the poultry farm. The mass of negative air ion is low. Therefore, the mobility of negative air ion is high. These high mobility negative air ions attached to the fungal spores in the poultry farm and settle down on the surface. Most of the spores carry positively charged which affects the health of birds, workers work in the poultry farm. Due to the installation of the NAI generator in the poultry farm which generates negative air ion in the poultry farm. These NAI should get attracted to the fungal spores having positively charged and it get neutral or combining these negative air ions with spores the weight of fungal spores increased in the air and it gets to settle down to the surface.


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The present study was carried out in the poultry farm at Kolhapur (16.70oN, 74.24oE), India recorded a total number of (10670) fungal spores were isolated from both absence and presence of negative air ion (NAI) generator of poultry farm. During the period, December 2019 of which in the absence of NAI generator contributed to (6460) number of fungal spores and in the presence of NAI generator contributed (4210) number of fungal spores.


