Comprehensive bathymetry and intertidal topography of the Amazon estuary
This dataset contains the following maps: 1) Bathymetry of the Amazon estuary (Bathymetry.tif and; Elevation in meters relative to the EGM2008 geoid. 2) Topography of the non-forested portion of the lower Amazon floodplain (Topography.tif and; Elevation in meters relative to the EGM2008 geoid. 3) Flood frequency for the period 2015 to 2018 (FloodFrequency_15to18.tif and; Values ranging from 0 to 100%. 4) Unified mapping of the Amazon estuary: merge of bathymetry, topography, MERIT, and GEBCO products (DEM_AMestuary.tif and; Elevation in meters relative to the EGM2008 geoid. 5) Boundaries of each domain of the unified mapping (domain_boundary.shp). 6) Code example to read netcdf files in MATLAB (read_netcdf.m).