Indonesia's Agricultural Land is Threatened by Regional Development: What is the Solution?
Indonesia's Agricultural Land is Threatened by Regional Development: What is the Solution? Abstract Policies to improve national food security have been prioritized by the Government in every national development plan. This is in line with the second Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, namely ending hunger, achieving food security and better nutrition and supporting sustainable agriculture. The average decrease in the area of paddy fields per year (2003-2015) is 1,778.83 ha per year or 0.19 percent per year. The establishment of sustainable food agricultural land and sustainable food agricultural reserve land does not automatically stop the rate of land conversion. Therefore, in this research plan, the long-term objective of this research is to analyze the rate of conversion of food agricultural land (paddy fields) in West Java Province in the next few years. Globally, social, economic and environmental variables influence land conversion. To manage the socio-economic and environmental impacts of land conversion, a holistic approach and sustainable policies are essential.