Data on the Quality of Hybrid Learning
The hybrid learning policy has become a trend in several universities in Indonesia to overcome the limitations of offline learning. However, hybrid learning policies differ from online learning, which prioritizes using the MOOC system. Hybrid learning must have at least four main characteristics, 1) support the development of lecturer and student skills; 2) not limited by distance and time; 3) the availability of multi-directional learning support devices; and 4) learning comes from students who take formal or non-formal education. Based on this, we conducted a user satisfaction survey of several students who had implemented hybrid learning at their institutions. We present data from a survey conducted on 5,679 students with 29 questions about implementing hybrid learning. We also used a cross-tabulation technique to analyze the collected data between latent and dummy variables. We use this data to evaluate the quality of hybrid learning in tertiary institutions and use it to improve the input of hybrid learners in the future. The indicators that construct the student satisfaction questionnaire also need to be analyzed in the future so that the comparison of suitable models may differ at certain tertiary institutions.
Steps to reproduce
You can use the data to compare hybrid learning quality measurement models with five factors and 29 item questionnaire